New poems by A.J. Huffman.
All Flash And Bone
Voided echoes dance
just beyond my eyes.
I cannot grasp their shape.
Their purpose is shady.
A memory.
But important
in its pertinence.
The mysterious weight of their relevance
is cataclysmic.
And I am fractured.
Dumb-struck soundless
by lack of understanding.
is a ballet.
Filled with devils and nightmares.
One step closer.
All slide back.
Into the uneasy comfort
of solid perimeters.
Subconsciously soiled
by fear.
And a pair of faceless fangs.
A Legacy of Candy and Cobblestones
I walk through night on a blind mans dream.
Dodging buildings like bullets. With no doors
to welcome or reject me, I hypothesize
the structural resonance of the word: home.I Leave deconstructed breadcrumbs to remind
this world I am here.And still moving toward what remains to be seen,
the shadows hold no meaning in this dark. I embrace
their whispers. Like wings, I breathe through
their chaos. And return to face the chimeless clock
that has failed, again, to convince me
that dawn is worth all the hype.
Slurring Silence and Stone
You touch me.
And I echo.
Like a scream.
I move the air.
Through your stare.
Until you can feel me.
Too bad.
It shatters
my skin
to hell.
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