
by Luis Cuauhtémoc Berriozábal




A Bird’s Life


Sun day comes to my face

on Sunday in this case.

I close the blinds to see.

I need to save my eyes.


The birds chirp outside

the kitchen window and

they do not seem to mind

the sun.  How would I know?


I am not singing like them.

A bird’s life seems the best.

How would I know? It just

seems that way to me.




a black line



The Butcher Can Just Stay Home


Keep it together.


The butcher

can just stay home.

Break the plate.

The meat is gone.

Love has fled.

What’s for dinner?


The path has changed

from easy to hard,

from hard to impossible

every day

until it gets better.




a black line



The Sweet Songs


The sweet songs

lift me up

from profound

bouts of doubt

and despair.


I follow

them like a

little bird

that follows 

other birds


in the sky.

Their flying

shows take my

mind off things

that hurt me.




a black line



I Let You


Shine a light

on my wound.

Fish it out.

I let you.


Find my soul

in the dark.

Stop my pain.

Come on in.


Touch my heart.

I let you.

Pull out all

of my love.




a black line



Words Have Meaning


Don’t pay rejections

any mind.

It happens to

the best

and the worst

of us.


Your words have meaning.

What you

share has meaning.

It does not

have to be

published for validation.


If anything, write for


If it gets taken,

good and

if it gets sent back

that is good too.


Share it with people 

you trust.

Share it with your cat,

with your dog,

with the birds you

write about,

with the trees,

who will not judge you.




a black line


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