Five Sonnets
by Terry Brinkman
Sonnet CCCLV
Waiting until midnight to begin to write
Love that kills, scraping men
Her ghost will haunt you to write with her pen
The gate glimmered in still night
Putrefied with running grave sore footed light
This evening dancing on the bowling green at ten
Taking gravely oaths affidavits until then
Only cold fowl cigars to smoke at starlight
Sleep until Maggot beds wake us in vain
Lilla tree dang in side of his laughter
Clapped to carry in her cost sleeve insane
Such a rooted dislike of that rafter
Oyster eyes with a sappy head profane
Sub-normal level of adhockery thereafter
Greyed bold face drinking Stratford Goddess Cider
Due hot white explicable ground wide
After picking peppers Piper is back with a bride
As kids tumble in a cornfield glider?
Found them between the catcher of the Rye outsider
Home Roses unveiled dyed
Save the flies in the face of the fireside
Sixty seven years after the decider
First embraced still chill
Sheeted mirror candles view willing
Bronze lidded Azul eyes under the Daffodil
Old fellow was pee bush chilling
Carping voice cried for a Whippoorwill
His shashlik Sweeneys moustache thrilling
Wroth young banished from the barbeque
Damn well have to see the Roman young
Her Dagger unsheathe and unstrung
Best came forward enthusiastic curfew
Shes gone to buy some Nehru
Dangerous love songs auric warned high-strung
Green thinking weeds shows up in the spring
The peat smoke blocks the suns view
Heart of the hillside shadow of the glens bloom
Night by night old Ben dug for the worm
Life does spring like a Broom
Questions purely academic Arts confirm
Deepest poetry holy breath idolatry flume
Ineffectual Twi creakingly analysis term
As she back stroke in a discreet back
Tying her stole with one hand in a bag
Reading little book about the Toads Flag
Bier woe betide any red Cardinal
Bully about the muzzles rack
Covering her fluent croak with an Irish nose rag
Belly on her like a poisoned cradle weepers drag
Most amusing expressions burst sideways Jack
Black edged note paper Alter blue
Slight air of the cabbage after dinner
Those ram burritos dames blew
Gave them a crick in their necks watching the spinner
Her poetic licensee Perring brew
Pack the bag of plums for the breadwinner
Mother stood behind her boys zoom
Sleek slender furrowed backbone
Harrowed starred on crosstree cornerstone
Would she understand the mutes cloakroom?
All yellow candles above the Tomb
Dinner before love song of Ashland postponed
Son and father both unconscious trombone
Smiled on all sides of the room
She was here fellow country-woman gap
Rethread tired brilliants Zen
Above the Hearth sleeping cats nap
Played four hundred and eighty times in the Den
No one made it out to be the Irish womans mishap
Hews and hues the color of Oxygen
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