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On The Passing of an Important Man by Harry Downey.


‘Such a sad day.’

‘A great man.’

‘He will be sorely missed.’

‘The entire country will mourn his passing.’

‘All the good he did in his lifetime.’

‘What dignity his widow is showing.’

‘And four young children too.’

‘Oh, those poor children.’

‘I see a man from the press is over there writing names down.’

‘And HRH is coming too.’

‘Are those television cameras over there?’

‘I wonder if those cameras are from the BBC or one of the others.’

‘Don’t those Cardinal’s robes look magnificent?’

‘I hear his name is likely to come up for a posthumous honour.’

‘Look at those angelic children from the Home.’

‘The Home bears his name, you know.’

‘One of those children is holding a wreath.’

‘What a lovely gesture.’

‘Aren’t those children sweet?’

‘Those little boys are from his Foundation.’

‘I really must have a word with the man from the Times.’

‘The P.M’s car has arrived, I understand.’

‘It is so important that one’s name is spelled correctly.’

‘Does his Children’s Charity publish full accounts, one wonders?’

‘All so sudden – in bed, they say.’

‘Apparently he wasn’t at home when it happened.’

‘The cameraman is photographing the American Ambassador.’

‘Ought we to move over to that side?’

‘The Cardinal has joined the Prime Minister for a photograph of the two of them together.’

‘I think we might see better from over the other side, my dear.’

‘One does hear stories, but is today the time to air them?’

‘You appreciate that what I am saying is in the strictest confidence.’

‘Eighty thousand, you say?’

‘I heard there’s a property involved too.’

‘It really must go no further.’

‘Of course, his origins were always a little, shall I say - unclear?’

‘There are hints – I will say no more - about his background.’

‘We were just saying, Sir John, what good works he did. But have you heard……?’

‘Will she be here, do you think?’

‘Surely she won’t come here on this day of all days?

‘Much younger than his widow, of course.’

‘I did hear that there are rumblings in the City.’

‘Two hundred and fifty thousand has been mentioned.’

‘They were in bed together when it happened, you know.’

‘I heard half a million.’

‘His Paris apartment is quite remarkable.’

‘That’s as well as the one in Rome.’

‘Do you think the papers know?’

‘Oh, they will.’

‘Very soon I expect.’

‘I understand the press will pay well for information – about a scandal.’

‘Shall we circulate and hear what people are saying?’

‘Is that her do you think?’

‘Surely not.’

‘Not today.’

‘I suppose it would be one of the tabloids that pays best for information.’

‘It might be her.’

‘She looks the sort.’

‘Would it be the News Editor who would handle that sort of thing?’

‘And isn’t that his brother with her too?’

‘Isn’t he like the deceased?’

‘It is her, I’m sure of it.’

‘It’s easy to see what attracted him, isn’t it?’

‘George! That’s enough of that!’

‘She and the widow are heading the same way.’

‘They’re going to bump into each other.’

‘Do try to get closer to them both.’

‘Pardon me, may we pass?’

‘Is that better?’

‘Can you see them together?’

‘Can you hear better now?’

‘Is your name on the list the press man is compiling?’

‘No, I can’t catch what they’re saying.’

‘One’s name has to in the Times list, of course.’

‘I’ve made sure they’ve spelled it correctly.’

‘Such a sad day.’



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