The well at the world's end
Here is the lost well, hidden by cobwebs
Where water-boatmen row in secret.
The water's keener, fresher, stranger
Than any gush invented by a tap.
Why then do I only visit it
When the rusty tank goes dry?
To make a picture, make a frame,
Enclose a field, a nation or a game.
Life in its patterened fury won't agree,
Raging to break all pictures and to see.
I didn't know my father,
I wouldn't let him in;
And now I'll soon have vanished
As if I'd never been.
My sons may pause and wonder
What other use had I
Than bring them forth to wander
Beneath a changing sky.
Dr Quantum's Presidential address
"The obvious remains invisible,
Taking the form of holes round nothing:
Avail yourselves of the non-existent,
Grow in your garden acres of surprise."