So, I Appreciate Brakes
So, I appreciate brakes, which work. Always.
Also, enough toilet paper to get through the night.
Finding my spectacles, likewise, rates as needed
As does tea in the morning, plus seltzer for lunch.
A day empty of phone messaging, too, brings cheer.
Having sufficient hours of sleep, regular showers,
Hot food, comforts me, plunks my life in working order.
Equally, Im glad when I can manage time at the gym.
Worth aint restricted to dollars, euros,
Neither is qualitys texture measured by fashion.
More exactly, goodness properties most often arrive
Upon easing away from irritations, troubles, or woes.
Reluctant to Use Their Words
Modern heroes, plus their familiars, act reluctant
To use their words for redirecting public opinion spins,
Suffered in private circles, closets, and official caches.
seems low-context societies leaders communicate
Popular sentiment via broad, designer curricula.
Folks from morbid waitstaff, in regal dining halls,
To woodland byways tenants, toady no exposed
Parental underwear, charity, or pantuoms. They depend,
On perceived truth, lack of justice, also warrior vices.
High tech, agricultural, maybe military might, still reign.
Holiness, more than other recently received real estate
Beyond clipped lawns, luminescent paper cups,
Multiple cigarette butts, Grandpas sort-sleeved
Proffers better deep sales fish than do corporate jocks.
Box radios, test kitchen results, turgid voters count, too.
Past midlife, ranking surpasses media-sodden affrays.
Not always, but sometimes, favor supports losers,
Promotes marriage as business, portrays relationships
As never amounting to cocooning, cooing, calling,
Not for cultural intent, long spans, fame or profit.