We Walk Honeysuckle
plus Jasmine
We walk honeysuckle plus
jasmine, wafting,
Dissipating, otherwise
thickening feelings;
Loss, compunction,
forfeiture, also death.
Natural displays, any
period, feel grand.
Such shortfalls
gleaning, in dealings,
More than change seasons,
or holiday
Distinguishably lethargic
Abjurations hurt. We
inhale/exhale a lot.
Consider how a bear cub
When exploring her new
turf. Some
Litter mates smile not at
But when messing with
Mamas kill.
Preferably, sunlight
twinkling on sand,
Past moonbeam kissing
clouds, brings
Opportunities free of
inveigling traps.
Moose still cross rail
tracks with safety.
What we ought and ought
not to do
Isnt huntsmens
games or zoological
Pleasures, no matter how
aloof pretense
Paints us; we walk freely
toward disaster.
Biting into Bok
Facility with sliced,
diced, and drugged words, punctuated by
All manner of lacunas,
from arachnid swinging on invisible ropes,
Whose inimitable taste,
those cloying references to yesterdays
Malfeasance, float rivers
of uncomfortable questions immediately,
Plus create times when red
and blue politicos swarm media outlets,
Maybe parade truths,
compromise nations, cost lives, cough phlegm,
Offer camouflage to
captured Degas dancers pirouetting, reducing
Secesh plots and redacted
government documents to ash or laughter.
Thereafter, initially
hastened from taverns, exemplars of social advocacy
As well as persons
deigning forbidden contact with breeders, speak out,
Insist on owning all
language referring to their bodies and to others.
Such nature of coup
d'état takes place silently, globally, overarchingly.
Given that extreme, most
of us reassign stiffs to the rebels morgues,
Thus, elevating some among
the dead, who otherwise would be
Safe under
poppy-ornamented expanses, blue sky, fallen memories.
Tearing inner fibers feels
worse than suffering broken wiglaers spells
cause picking up
discarded cupcake wrappers brings imperious ends.
Likewise, making acrid
salad culls questionable taste and extra pressures.
The caprices of two-headed
wildebeests, from Planet X, fly shotgun,
Influence firstborns
campaign for odd publishers regular sustenance.
Consider that when we fund
allies or immerse our toes in sweet chocolate,
Its like writing
flowery vignettes about woodland days of old or quaffing
Bad liquor. Transforming
into a Furrys still no escape from childbirths pain.
Only original
matafamilias, stained with deep age, remain fairly approachable.