Whenever Isla
accepted her older brothers demands, or apologized for deeds she never
actualized, he was kind. Otherwise, he forced her into a Cinderella role.
Brutus figured that
his Noble Laurent sister needed to be put in her place; she was younger.
It was vital that his children respected him!
The Imagination
Nofar poked Maya.
Her Shabak superiors had compelled creative writers to help Shin Bet expose
terrorist rings. Yet, it seemed implausible that someone who sold stories about
Medieval armies could locate individuals involved in radicalizing and drafting
underage citizens for nefarious purposes, especially if that someone drooled
every time that she fell asleep at her workstation.
On the one hand, the
tech gurus in Agaf HaModi'in had successfully written software that measured
the amount and range of vocal fry in a speakers voice, thus enabling
Amans listening agents to identify folks attempting to foster attitudinal
and behavioral changes in the nations teens. On the other hand, those
violent persons had become wise to the states military intelligence; the
current version of suicide bombings wasnt strapping on pipe
bombs and fragmentation jackets and then blowing up oneself but was willingly
undergoing nose and chest surgery to change ones voice amidst a
recruitment campaign.
Whereas Aman was
still developing a system to pick out suicidal terrorists from a distance, the
Chief Intelligence Officer had concurrently prioritized safeguarding the
nations young people. Accordingly, artsy types had been conscripted.
The research of a
psychology professor at Tel Aviv University, who had a background in
engineering and a three-dimensional mathematical model for measuring emotions
had caught the commanders attention. So, the academic had been
pressganged to the voice project. It had been that professor who had
recommended that imagination specialists aid IDFs hunt.
Weirdly, his soldiers had already busted ten terrorist rings
despite having been enrolled without the comprehensive training ordinarily
concommitant to Shin Bet service.
Nofar again poked
Maya. The latter wiped crusty stuff from her eyes. Perhaps, after all, there
were several ways to manifest the capacity to learn quickly and think