Poems by John D
Smoking Heaven
Do you think you can
smoke grass in Heaven?
he asked seriously
and he repeated
himself endlessly
and one time he
asked me and I
told him:
Fucking sure,
youve heard the
story of the
weeding of the
he nodded his
head furiously,
Yes, Yes!
he said
and he never
asked that
question again.
In The First Place
Where are you going?
his mother asked:
Im going into town
to get drunk with a few
friends he answered:
Tell me, where are you
going she asked again:
I just told you ma,
going into town to get
drunk with a few friends
he said:
Im going to ask you
one more time, or else
Ill get your
his mother demanded:
Okay ma, Im going to
sniff some glue and get
high in the park he said:
Well, why didnt you
tell me that in the first
place! she said before
closing the door,
You Know The Feeling
You know the feeling,
when the pen moves
leaving a poem in its
when the brush is in
the driving seat and
your hand follows its
when the singular
note rolls into a
you know the feeling
when the smile of
your lover stretches
back centuries,
when the sounds of
create other
when the last clock
melts into oblivion,
you know the feeling
of the fire,
the soil
wrapping bones in
celebration of what
once was,
that feeling
of returning home,
youve known that
time and again.
Let the world know
youre winning,
even just for that
let the world know
youre at the wheel,
let the world know
she rests in your
hands even for a
splinter of shattered
let the world know
you were the world
and it was perfect
just like the
morning smile of
a child or the even-
songs staring like
mesmerised cobbled
lanes of tranquillity,
let the world know
youre winning
just with a blink of
an eye,
thats enough
to let the world know,
youre winning.
Outlaws Of The Bird World
Legends have it that Magpies
did not weep and mourn at the
crucifixion of Jesus Christ as
all the other birds did and they
refused to enter Noahs Ark
and took to the roof and swore
and cursed the entire journey
to safety:
poets with wings,
these birds of defiance,
my brothers and sisters,
I hear your outlaw jail-bird
chorus and I write them down.
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